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Don't Be Deceived

Social media can be deceiving. You’ll notice everyone posts the greatest parts of their lives to get everyone else to “Oooh” and “Aww” and it can trigger jealousy, insecurity, resentment and discontentment in your own life if you allow it.

 Single women often like to post #relationshipgoals when they see a cute couple, or a couple doing amazing things they’d love to do one day with their future spouse. Be careful whose #relationshipgoals you’re trying to emulate because you never know what’s going on in people’s lives. It’s hard to imagine anything different when you see married couples enjoying so much happiness, smiling all the time, traveling, having beautiful kids, being amazing parents and seemingly having financial success. 


As a single woman, DO NOT let this fool you and cause you to feel alone and down on yourself because you haven’t found somebody yet. Let me give you a practical example. I recently opened up my social media and saw a post from an acquaintance that I met on a mission trip years ago. She got married several years ago and has since had two kids. Her new married life looked great, she never fails to have a smile plastered on her face and on every photo I’ve seen of her on social media, before and after marriage. No problems, right?


Don’t be deceived. Sadly, she posted her marriage has fallen apart and her divorce is final. Nothing leading up to this was ever posted on social media, no prayer requests, nothing. People will only post what they want you to know. Do not allow yourself to ever feel bad or inferior when you see someone else with something you desire. It’s not always as good as it looks and 9 times out of 10 you’d never want to trade places with them if you knew what was really going on.


Run your own race and run it well. So many single women can allow other people’s lives on social media to consume theirs and life can almost turn into a competition. Don’t give the devil any opportunity to lie to you about the current state and affairs of your own life as if something is wrong with you. The only #relationshipgoals you should desire is whatever the Lord wants you to have which will look completely different from everybody else, and that’s normal.


This is just to encourage you to be content in your current circumstances and not lose your joy because somebody else got what you desired. I remember when I was leading a young adult ministry and one of my friends met her future husband in my ministry. This was before I met my husband. 


I was genuinely so happy for her and was in awe of how things miraculously worked out for her as a result of my obedience to God for starting this ministry in the first place and I heard the Lord tell me, ‘Imagine how much more I will bless you with your husband.’


Several months later, my future husband showed up to my ministry! It was such a blessing that it even provoked jealousy in other women who I thought were my friends. Imagine if I had a sour, jealous, negative, resentful attitude about my friend’s blessing because it was something I also desired? I could’ve ruined my own blessing from coming! Be encouraged and learn to rejoice when others rejoice. -Romans 12:15



Finally meet and marry the man God has for you. Marriage preparation and Godly relationship advice for Christian women. Order the book here: Irresistible: The Ultimate Guide to Marriage Preparation.

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