Keep men out of your house. Never allow a man to be in your house one-on-one, it’s that simple.
If you’re having a co-ed party with other people there that you know well, it’s more acceptable. But, be careful not to allow any men to stay behind and be the last ones to leave your house. What’s the best way to do this?
Ask a female friend of yours in advance, not to leave your house until everyone else is gone because you do not want to be left alone with any men in your house. Tell a female friend that you know is reliable and will not let you down because everyone cannot be entrusted with this task. If your friends will not cooperate, you have to be strong enough to kick everybody out of your house at a set time or when the first batch of people start leaving, in a tactful way. Party’s over!
How can you do this tactfully? Here are a few examples. “Thank you all so much for coming but I have to end the party at 10pm tonight.” You don’t have to give them a reason or try to make up something that’s not true, that's your right.
Women always think they have to explain themselves to people, you don’t. If you feel like you must say something, tell them you need time to get things cleaned up. The end. You’re not lying, you do have to clean up after a party. If someone offers to stay and help you, only accept help from a female friend, let the men leave. You may not have any idea of how important doing this is unless you’ve been in a compromising situation before.
Also, stay out of men’s homes. Yes, there is no reason you need to be at another man’s house. I don’t care if he wants to cook dinner for you and it makes you feel like you’re in the romantic movie you just saw. You know those Hollywood films that depict a handsome man with a lavish apartment who invites the new woman he just met over for dinner and a movie so he can show off his cooking skills to impress her. Women fall for this so easily! This is how it plays out, they watch a movie, end up kissing, making out, having sex or she spends the night. The next day she regrets it and she usually never hears from him again.
Don’t fall for it ladies, there are ways to keep yourself safe and not compromise your morals or integrity. Stay in public places as much as possible in Christian groups. Yes, even if you’re over 30+ years old, this is wisdom.
If you just have to be one-on-one with a guy for whatever reason, which I don’t advise, please stay in crowded public places. This is not only for your safety, but it’s also so you don’t prematurely get involved in kissing or other sexually related activities. When people are around and watching, you won’t be as inclined to do anything wrong.
When you’re extremely attracted to someone and vice versa, being alone with them is just not wise. Things can heat up too quickly, even if you don’t expect it or plan on it, that’s usually always how it happens. Don’t leave any room for the “oops” factor, eliminate it altogether by making wise decisions in advance and sticking to them. You’ll thank yourself later.
Finally meet and marry the man God has for you. Marriage preparation and Godly relationship advice for Christian women. Order the book here: Irresistible: The Ultimate Guide to Marriage Preparation.
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