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Are You Pretty or Attractive?

Updated: Jun 9, 2023

Are you pretty or attractive? Most women who think they’re pretty also think they’re attractive, but from a man’s perspective, this couldn’t be furthest from the truth.

A man can think you’re pretty but not attractive, pretty gets you looks, attractive gets you married. Any woman can put on a pretty face, but oftentimes it takes more work to become attractive.

First, let’s start off with what makes a woman pretty. The beauty of your face, your makeup, a beautiful outfit or a nice hairstyle. These are all things that enhance your appearance and can garner attention from a man if they’re done well. Many women have perfected this and genuinely believe this is what makes them attractive to a man because they can get men to look at them and admire what they’ve done.

When the day is over and a woman has had several men either look at or compliment her on these things, they feel as though their work is complete. They think they know how to be attractive to a man, now they’re just waiting for the right one to show up and eventually get married. They think as long as they keep doing this, they’re on the right track.

You know I’m going to tell you the truth, this is wrong. Why? You already know men are wired completely different from women. If men don’t think these beautiful things you’re displaying to them makes you attractive, then what do they want from you?

Your body. The bottom line is, men ultimately want sex. They’re not marrying you to make sure you can be their ministry partner, they're marrying you so they can have sex with you as often as they want and enjoy your body. Of course men consider many other things about you, but outside of being a Christian, the way your body looks is pretty high on their list.

So, what makes a woman attractive? A man considers the attractiveness of your various body parts, how your body looks, your thighs, butt, breasts, bone structure, muscular tone, etc. This aspect of a woman is extremely important to a man and oftentimes Christian women overlook this and think being extra spiritual is the key to luring a man in. Secular women understand this all too well, if you open Instagram they are peddling their flesh all over the place. Some men have lust issues because they’re yearning for a woman with an attractive looking body.

So what do you do now since you’re a Christian and you shouldn’t be peddling your flesh all over social media or wearing inappropriate clothing? Get your body tight. What does this mean?

I understand every woman has a different body type, some women are naturally small or large in various ways. What I will tell you is that it’s best for you to be within a healthy weight for your height. First and foremost, you should do this for your health. Being overweight or underweight can be very unattractive to many men. Secondly, once you are the appropriate weight for your height, you should work to tighten and tone your body by exercising with a combination of cardio and weight lifting.

When you get your body into the best shape, you won’t believe how much this will elevate your attractiveness to a man. You can be pretty all day, but your body is what will ultimately make you highly attractive to a man so he will consider you on a marital level.

"Sex is extremely important to men and if they’re not sexually attracted to you because of the way your body looks, they will find another woman that has the assets they’re looking for."

If two women walk into a room, one has a gorgeous face but her body isn’t that great, the other woman has a pretty face but her body is out of this world. Men will go after the woman with the banging body, it’s how they’re wired. They see the body before they see the face, I think it’s the reverse for women.

Let me explain something here, I’ve seen people get married where both parties were not in the best physical shape, and this does happen. But, if one person has dedicated themselves to a physically fit lifestyle and it shows, they’re going to want the same level of attractiveness in a mate. Think about it, athletes often marry models or other athletes; a mate committed to the same level of physical excellence.

You might be thinking, “How does this work if I get in shape and I don’t even wear revealing clothes to show off my body? How would a man find me attractive?” Ladies, an alpha man can tell if a woman’s body is attractive even beneath her clothes just by looking at her. Men look at things on women we wouldn’t even realize they’re checking out to get an idea of how you look under your clothes. They notice your arms, you can tell how big a woman really is based on the size of her upper arms, no matter what type of corset she puts on her lower half. Men look at a woman’s calves which are another giveaway to her muscle tonality and physical size. They also look at the size of your face and bone structure and this also determines their level of attractiveness to you.

Men aren’t as stupid as we sometimes think. They know what they’re doing and why they’re doing it, they just won’t tell you. It’s in your best interest to not only adorn yourself with the beautiful hair, makeup and clothing that we are so akin to, but do the hard stuff that men really are attracted to…work out that body!

At the end of the day, you take off your makeup, outfit and undo your hairstyle but your body isn’t going anywhere and men know that. This is why men highly consider what they want lying next to them for the rest of their life based on how your body looks. If you think about it, it’s actually wisdom on their part. Men are extremely visual and this leaves less room for infidelity or other problems in this area when they get a woman with the body type they want.

Finally, meet and marry your husband God's way. Marriage preparation and Godly relationship advice for Christian women. Order the book here: Irresistible: The Ultimate Guide to Marriage Preparation.

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