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Falling on Deaf Ears

…While seeing they do not see, and while hearing, they do not hear, nor do they understand.

-Matthew 13:13

Do you hear, but do not hear? What do I mean? Are you reading these blogs, but are they falling on deaf ears? 

Do not let the advice I give you in these blogs fall on deaf ears. How does this happen? The topics I discuss can be juicy, exciting, entertaining and so on because we talk about sex, dating, men, marriage and so on. But if you don’t take heed to the advice I’m giving you and actually implement it into your life, you will not see the results you’re desiring in order to meet the right man man and get married. I’m giving all of this advice for a reason, because it works. 


I’m very confident that the advice I give in my book, blog and YouTube channel combined, will get you married sooner than you might expect; but only if you take heed and implement it. The book doesn’t have the same content as these blogs, just in case you were wondering. There are deeper levels and additional information the book goes into that you still need.  

Don’t pick and choose what you think will work best, but I challenge you to take everything and put it into practice, because it’s designed to develop every aspect of a woman while you are still single. Even if you have to write your own quick reference list of topics I’ve written about to remember them, do it! I’ve already prayed for the women who implement the things in my book and teachings that you will be blessed and reap the results of a husband by following the advice that I give.


If you’ve been doing the same thing for years and you’re still single, why wouldn’t you try something different? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. If you want to see change, you have to change the strategy. Whenever you want a job or a degree, you go after it and collect the information to be successful. Make getting a husband a similar educational experience. Reread the newsletters, read the blog, watch the YouTube videos, buy the book, all of this is your predating/premarital education. It’s designed for you in this season of life right now. Much of the information will still help you tremendously when you do get married to have a happier, more peaceful marriage. 

This marriage thing doesn't happen by osmosis with you just praying and telling God you want to be married. You have to be ready for it by doing the right things and making better decisions in your life and following good advice that will help get you there. God wants you to be a blessing to your husband, not a drain. I wish I had half of the advice I’m giving you ladies when I was single. I believe I would’ve been married years sooner and more emotionally and spiritually mature.


I know for a fact that my advice will work for you because I not only teach from examples in my life, but also from other people’s lives who’ve done things the right or wrong way. I even give advice directly from men on how they see women. I’m not just making this stuff up, I have conversations, I see what’s going on in real life and I’m inspired to write about it to help you make better decisions to reap the destiny you desire. I also speak from biblical truth on how to go about meeting your husband in a Christian community environment based on how Ruth and Boaz met.  

I implore you, do not let this advice fall on deaf ears. I believe all of this information is what God wants you to hear in this season because the ideas are just getting dropped in my spirit and I’m running with them! I praise God for it, and I know He is going to use this information to make major shifts in your life, you just have to put it into practice, Amen.

Finally meet and marry the man God has for you. Marriage preparation and Godly relationship advice for Christian women. Order the book here: Irresistible: The Ultimate Guide to Marriage Preparation.

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