Have you ever felt insecure? Whether it was based on how you look, comparing yourself to other women, certain body parts that made you feel self-conscious or something you said or did that made you feel uncomfortable?
If I had to guess, I would say most insecurities women feel are a result of comparing themselves to other women and feeling like they don’t measure up in some area. Whether they wish they had their hair, bone structure, skin, sexual allure, physical body parts, etc. The rabbit hole goes deep when women start to criticize and compare themselves.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God, so it’s nearly an insult to Him to try to be or look like someone He didn’t create you to be. This is what I would think if I ever felt any insecurities trying to arise. If you weren’t you, who would you be? Would you be willing to go as far to get a face transplant to look the same as some beautiful woman you admire? Doubtful. You’d probably be horrified if that happened, which means it’s not that serious so you have to check your emotions.
If you are insecure now, it can only get worse when you get into a relationship if you don’t do something about it. Most women think, “When I get a man, I don’t want him to look at any other women. I only want him to see me and think I’m the only attractive woman to him.” This is a joke. When you get into a relationship, your man doesn’t magically turn blind to other women and how they look. Neither do you when it comes to seeing attractive men.
Think about it. If you had a man and he got jealous every time you saw or noticed another man for any reason, what would you think? You might think he was crazy, jealous, controlling, insecure, unhappy, thinks he’s unattractive, has mental issues, acts feminine and on top of it all, he would come across as very unappealing and unattractive just because of how he’s acting. You would start to think differently about him once you saw this behavior manifest, especially if it happened often. Over time, you would be totally turned off. Why?
It’s because a confident man is attractive. There is something sexy, alluring, masculine and dominant about a man who knows who he is, isn’t intimidated by other men and is not fazed by how another man looks, even if his woman is noticing him. The woman will see how confident her man is and will gravitate to him even more because of the masculine energy he’s exuding. Now, reverse the roles. How does being insecure make you look as a woman? It works both ways, insecure women are unattractive.
Let’s face it, women are pretty. God made them this way for a reason. Women of every race, culture, creed, size, hair texture, body type, etc. are absolutely gorgeous and men know it, which is why they chase them. Just because you might think a woman is prettier than you, doesn’t mean she actually is according to other people’s opinions. Pop culture may have brainwashed many people on standards of beauty, but men with sense have their own unique opinion on what beautiful is to them.
You might think, only confident women are secure. This is not true. Some confident women put on an act to hide all of their insecurities so they can make other people feel inferior, just like they feel inside every day. It torments them, so they have to torment others to make them feel less. It’s twisted, but there are many women who are like this so don’t be fooled.
Insecurity in women is a personal problem and it stems from how they think about themselves, or what they were told about themselves by others throughout their life. They are insecure now because they chose to believe lies as the truth. You have to have a stronger mind than this and don’t let the enemy bully you into thinking you’re something other than what God has created you to be. An unattractive looking woman can be more secure than an extremely attractive woman solely based on how she thinks about herself.
Know who you are, change your thinking and it will change your life in this area. I’ve noticed that younger women tend to be more insecure because they’re still trying to figure out who they are, etc. but that doesn’t have to be the case for you. When you’re more mature, it helps with insecurities, but also loving yourself and seeing yourself how God sees you can get rid of an insecure mindset.
“For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.”
-2 Corinthians 10:12
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
-Psalm 139:14
Finally meet and marry the man God has for you. Marriage preparation and Godly relationship advice for Christian women. Order the book here: Irresistible: The Ultimate Guide to Marriage Preparation.
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