Let me share with you a scene from a movie I watched that will give you a perfect example as to why women need to stop keeping men around if they ever want to get married.

A woman works at a coffee shop and she’s dating some random guy that is well established, has a good job, likes to take her out on fancy dates and brings her flowers at work often. They are not officially in a relationship, it’s obvious she is just using him because he does romantic things that she likes and takes her out, so it makes her feel special. This guy is not a Christian, neither is she at this point, but she continues to chat with him when he stops by her coffee shop and entertains the fancy dates and flowers.
This woman is attractive so she is used to weaponizing her looks to get a man’s attention. One day, a very tall, attractive man walks into the coffee shop and basically ignores her as he orders coffee from her, as he is engaged in conversation with other people. She inquires about him to a friend that was talking to him and finds out he has a ministry at a church that helps build houses for the underprivileged. Determined to get him to pay attention to her, she volunteers to help out with his ministry. She fakes being a Christian to reel him in and eventually gets him to like her.
She’s really starting to like this guy romantically and he finally asks her out to attend a church concert on Saturday night. She agrees to attend with him, forgetting she already committed to attend the other guy’s company party that same night. The first guy keeps calling her to try and confirm about Saturday night and she begins to ignore his calls.
At this point, she has been spending a lot of time around the Christian guy volunteering with his ministry so they are getting very well acquainted. One day, she is at work in the coffee shop and the Christian guy is there as he often is now, talking to her and ordering coffee. A few minutes later, the first guy comes in to see her with a bouquet of flowers. The two men are standing right next to each other directly in front of her. She is clearly very uncomfortable and speechless at this point.
The guy with the flowers looks up at the tall, Christian guy and says to her, “Is this why you’ve been ignoring my calls?” He gives her the flowers, which she accepts in front of the Christian guy, he confirms with her they are still on for Saturday night for his company party, she says “Yes,” and then he walks out. The Christian guy looks at her in disbelief and storms out of the coffee shop.
At this point in the story, she just lost out on a good Christian man by allowing random men to hang around her. Whether that man was just a friend or not, she ruined it with the Christian guy before it even got started. Don’t let this be you. What do I mean?
This woman chooses to keep men around her that she’s not in any type of serious relationship with. She goes out with them, fabricates a relationship with them whether or not she’s romantically interested. These guys could just be her friends which is understood by both, but she continuously has them around her with no romantic interest whatsoever. He is company for her, someone to talk to, someone to go out with and subconsciously fill the void of her reality that she is still alone and single.
The more you remain alone and single without any men hanging around, the more attractive you will be to your future husband. Men aren’t like women, they don’t get jealous if they see you with another man. They will not tread on another man’s territory, just like a dog won’t pee in the same spot as another dog, they’re territorial. If it looks like you belong to another man in a romantic capacity, they are already done with you. There are far too many beautiful women out there for him to waste his time on one that “appears” unavailable.
There are some men out there who might think, you’re not married to him yet so you’re technically still available, and they might take on the challenge to try and win you over. But, based on the fact that men are territorial when it comes to their women, they usually don’t want another man’s so-called “leftovers” if you catch my drift, after they’ve seen you with someone.
This is wisdom and precaution for you if you are the type of woman that likes to have a lot of male friends around you and go out with them one-on-one. It’s future husband repellent. When you’re out and you see a guy and girl together, you automatically assume they are in a relationship, even if they’re not. Be sure you are not giving this wrong impression to eligible men around you and causing the right one to stay away.
Finally meet and marry the man God has for you. Marriage preparation and Godly relationship advice for Christian women. Order the book here: Irresistible: The Ultimate Guide to Marriage Preparation.
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