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The Samaritan Woman (A "Thirsty" Woman)

Updated: Sep 16, 2021

The Samaritan Woman Story: John 4:7-26 (read for context)

Focus Scripture: There came a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give Me a drink.” - John 4:7


When Jesus met the Samaritan woman, He immediately asked her for a drink because he was thirsty in the natural, but His statement has a spiritual implication. Jesus wanted something from the Samaritan woman that she was not ready to give to Him yet.

In order for her to give him a drink, it would have been a sacrifice for her because Jews had no dealings with Samaritans and she would have had to put her plans aside and stop what she was doing to give Jesus a drink. She was not willing, as we can see in John 4 verses 9 & 11.

Spiritually speaking, this is what was going on in her heart. The Samaritan woman was not willing to sacrifice her corrupt lifestyle with men in order to lay it all down for Jesus.

She did not want to put her plans aside, stop what she was doing in living a lifestyle of sin going from one man to the next. This was not a part of her plan and Jesus was inconveniencing her by being at the well, interrupting her lifestyle both naturally and spiritually.


Be willing to allow Jesus to interrupt your lifestyle. The Samaritan woman saw Jesus as an inconvenience but didn’t realize she was about to gain eternal life and minister to her entire city.

Be willing to give up old habits, lifestyles and behaviors in the area of relationships and otherwise in order to obtain the better thing that Jesus has waiting for you.

The process may feel uncomfortable to your flesh and you may feel unwilling at first, but think about the benefits Jesus gives us and how much they outweigh any natural construct or lifestyle that we could ever create on our own.

Focus Scripture: Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water.” -John 4:10


The God of all creation was sitting right in front of the Samaritan woman freely offering her the gift of eternal life and she couldn’t even perceive who she was speaking to. She was so involved with her life and what she was doing that her mind and heart wasn’t even open to recognize Jesus, God in the flesh right before her eyes.

If you are so involved with your sin, it can cloud your judgement and discernment of reality and the blessings that stand before you, and you can miss out on what God has for you.

The Samaritan woman had a clear way out of her sin and lifestyle of fornication with various men, standing right in front of her. Her mindset could have caused her to miss out on her divine visitation from God and the forgiveness and blessings He wanted to give her despite what she had done.


God has a gift for you. The best gift He ever gave us was eternal salvation in Jesus Christ, while we were still sinners. If God can offer this amazing gift to us while we were still in sin, imagine what gifts He wants to give us as a righteous child of God that belongs to Him! The Lord hears your heart about wanting to be married, so do not allow sin from your past to creep into your present and cause you to miss out and not recognize a blessing from God when it arrives.

If you’re saved, but still living the lifestyle you had when you were not saved whether it’s in your mind or in reality, in regards to relationships and interactions with men, you are putting yourself in a position like the Samaritan woman.

She was unable to recognize or perceive when a man of God came to her and she wasn’t ready for it, in her mind or her soul. If you’re single, be completely single. Don’t allow any men to just hang around you. You don’t want to be caught up with other men because when the real one shows up, you’ll be mentally, emotionally and physically unavailable.

Focus Scripture: Jesus answered and said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” -John 4:13


Jesus was saying that whoever drinks from the water in the well that the Samaritan woman was drawing from would naturally be thirsty again, that water couldn’t completely satisfy anyone. Jesus was speaking of natural things but what He said had a spiritual implication. The Samaritan woman was not only drinking water from the world, but she was also drinking everything else in from the world, like indulging in multiple men.

She thought her worldly indulgence would satisfy her “thirstiness”, but it wasn’t enough because she continued to go from one man to the next never being satisfied in her soul.

The Samaritan woman was a thirsty woman, she was thirsty for men. Jesus wanted to give her Himself to satisfy her “thirsty” behavior permanently. The Samaritan woman had a spiritual lack that was manifesting as a continual thirst for being with multiple men in the natural and she didn’t even realize it.


You can be a saved woman, and still be thirsty for men. Just like the Samaritan woman story, it’s a spiritual lack where you need more of Jesus and less of the world. You may feel like you’re spiritually mature in your knowledge of the Word or Christian things, but if you’re exhibiting “thirsty” behavior in the area of men, something is still missing. You don’t have the closeness with Jesus through the Holy Spirit that you need to kill this “thirsty” desire in your flesh. For some people, their spiritual lack manifests in different ways, but for many women it manifests as a strong desire for men and can lead you into sin.

Take a day and indulge in Jesus. Listen to sermons, read and confess scriptures, listen to worship music all day, pray to God and listen to what He is trying to tell you and fast if you need to. Ask God to baptize you in the Holy Spirit so you can gain spiritual strength. Doing this will help to catapult you quickly out of your flesh and start filling in the spiritual gap you need to have more of Jesus and continually drink His water of eternal life.

Focus Scripture: The woman said to Him, “Sir, give me this water, so I will not be thirsty nor come all the way here to draw.” He said to her, “Go, call your husband and come here.” The woman answered and said, “I have no husband.” Jesus said to her, You correctly said, ‘I have no husband’; for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; this you have said truly.” -John 4:15-18


The Samaritan woman took the first step in the natural which translates to the spiritual for her. She acknowledged and recognized the fact that she was a “thirsty” woman and she would have to continue going to the well to satisfy her thirst. Jesus piqued her interest when He told her there was a water He could give her where she would never thirst again. This caused her to assess her own situation and realize it wasn’t as good as the water that Jesus was offering. She learned there was something better than what she had now, and she wanted it. Not having to come to the well everyday would change her life forever and she knew it.

She also started to confess and acknowledge the truth about her situation to Jesus. She told Jesus, ‘I have no husband.’ Jesus bore witness to what she said and began to reveal the rest of her past to her so she could confront it and show her He wasn’t just an ordinary man asking for water; but He came to offer her redemption from her sinful lifestyle.


Sometimes you have to sit back, take a look at your life and assess how you have been living as a single woman when it comes to your relationships with men. What have you done or not done? Is your lifestyle something that God would be pleased with?

Acknowledge the truth about what you have done in your past or present, and confess it to Jesus, just like the Samaritan woman did. This is an opportunity for repentance. Understand that through Jesus, whether you are saved or unsaved, there is a better way of living for you in this area. Just because you desire to be married, doesn’t mean you have to entertain every man that’s interested in you to find out if he’s “the one.” When you meet the one, you will not be confused about him, you will not have to guess if God sent him, he will point you to Jesus and help you live a lifestyle of sexual purity until marriage.

Check out the chapter on “Purging Your Past” in the book Irresistible: The Ultimate Guide to Marriage Preparation that goes into more details about the Samaritan Woman & the Wilderness Mentality.

Get your copy today!

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