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Why You're Not Ready to be Married

Updated: Mar 19, 2023

Are you still waiting for your future husband? What are you doing in the meantime?

You’re getting ready to find out three of the wisest ways to spend your time while you’re still single. These three things will not only enhance you as a human being and make you more alluring to your future husband, but, they will also make you better prepared for your future marriage and you’ll find out why.

It’s time to make the most of your single years.

#1 - Your Intimacy with God

Many single women have a very active lifestyle and they tend to fill their time with all sorts of activities and entertainment to keep themselves busy so they can enjoy other people. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this, it becomes a problem when it’s unbalanced. If your activities and lifestyle are pulling you away from consistent one-on-one time with God, you could be in an unbalanced state.

For example, If you were married and only spent a few minutes with your husband every day and nothing more, how would that affect your marriage? You would hardly know your spouse and your marriage would suffer because you barely spent any time with your husband. This would result in a marriage that lacked intimacy

“The small amount of time you may spend every morning reading your devotional and saying a quick prayer before you start your day is nice, but you need more.”

You need to develop depth in your relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit. Your single years are the perfect time to do this. Consciously involve God in every part of your day and in everything you do. Set aside time to be in the presence of God, without rushing or being worried about what you have to do next , and just enjoy being in the presence of your Father. Whether you are in worship, prayer, meditation or reading your bible.

Doing this in your single years will benefit you tremendously when you get married, because your intimacy with God will help you in your intimacy and communication with your future husband. The spiritual maturity you will gain from going deeper in God will also make you more attractive to a mature man of God.

#2 Your God-given Purpose

When you’re single, a lot of your time is spent in a routine of going to work, coming home and repeating this process five days a week. Outside of work this creates a natural desire to either relax or socialize extensively. Quite often, this leaves little time, energy or interest for finding out what your God-given purpose is.

You want to find out what God put you on this earth to do that will bring Him glory and make an impact in people’s lives. This looks very different for everyone and your goal as a single woman should be to chase after your God-given purpose with everything you’ve got. You have more free time as a single woman than you likely will after getting married and having children.

While you are seeking God, ask Him to show you what your divine purpose is. It’s usually linked to whatever you care about, what you’re good at or interested in.

You may not get everything at once, but whatever the Lord reveals to you, get started doing it and don’t waste any time. Sometimes our purpose in Christ consists of stepping stones where one thing leads to another but you just have to take that first step of faith and move. Make the time to pursue your purpose as a single woman.

Moving in your God-given purpose will give you some of the greatest joy of your life. God may use your purpose to put you on a platform where you can be noticed by your future husband.

#3 Self-Development

Your self development as a single woman may be directly related to whichever career field you chose to go into. You may have to stay knowledgeable about the latest trends in your industry to advance your career.

Many women don’t realize that their self development should extend far beyond their profession.

When you meet your future husband you don’t want to be narrow minded where you only have an interest and knowledge in one specific area. This can negatively impact your conversations and the attractiveness your future husband would otherwise have towards you. If you met a man and all he could talk about intellectually was soccer, and he didn’t know much about anything else, you would be turned off. Ultimately, the two of you would be intellectually incompatible if you had no interest in soccer.

You need to diversify your knowledge and interests in different areas as a single woman so you have the ability to understand and converse on a variety of topics.

Take the time to invest in yourself. Start honing your natural talents, interests, abilities and intellectual pursuits and educate yourself in areas where you lack knowledge. You also want to invest in yourself physically and take care of your body by working out and eating healthy.

This will make you a more well-rounded, appealing and interesting person. When you get married, you will have a greater sense of accomplishment and satisfaction by having either mastered or pursued something of personal interest. This is very important because when you get married, your time will be divided. You will have to learn how to put someone’s needs before your own at times. If you enter a marriage not having accomplished any personal goals, you could find yourself in a frustrating situation where you might be searching for significance.

In summary, your time during your single years is precious and you want to be sure to use it wisely, by developing your intimacy with God, finding your God-given purpose and working on your personal self development.

If you’re still waiting for your future husband, are you really spending your time as wisely as you could?

Check out the chapter on "Moving in Your God-Given Purpose" in the book Irresistible: The Ultimate Guide to Marriage Preparation that goes into detail to help you discover your purpose in life.

Get your copy today!

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