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Your Mom & Grandma

When you think of your mom and grandma, what comes to mind?

Nurturing, caring women who are feminine and cook wonderful homemade meals for their family, patient women who don’t complain, do their household duties, smile and enjoy their family.


These are women who are always there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on, a comforting and encouraging word to build you up when the world tries to tear you down. You can always rely on the love, care and concern of a mother and grandmother because you know these are women who will never let you down.


This is how a man views what a woman is supposed to be like. He knows and sees the example of his mother and grandmother and expects this same type of behavior from his wife. It may seem like a tall order, but one day you will be that mother and grandmother everyone admires and looks up to.


The reason why a lot of relationships and marriages don’t work out or never get started, is because the modern woman of today wants to try and act like a man instead of the woman God created her to be. The soft, submissive, kind, nurturing and pleasant woman we were designed to be instead of the controlling, loud, domineering, aggressive, independent woman society is trying to breed.


Most women who are not married have to be independent and there is nothing wrong with that. It’s the mentality and behavior behind it that can become toxic in a relationship. 

How do you think you measure up to your mom and grandma as a woman? If you’ve had good examples, you’re more likely to follow suit if you don’t adopt the culture and mentality of the world. It’s also a personal decision as to what type of woman you want to be. No one is expecting you to be a clone of these women, but the positive, nurturing feminine characteristics are something every woman should learn to embody. These are the things that make a woman attractive to a man.


When a man sees a woman acting in a way that is opposite to the classic mom and grandmother he’s used to, he cringes at it and will run far from it. He understands what a real woman is supposed to act like because he was raised around it and anything less is unacceptable when it comes to a woman being his wife. This is one reason it’s hard for so many women to get married because men know when a woman doesn’t embody these traits and he understands how vitally important they are from a family perspective. 

Mothers and grandmothers are often the glue that brings families together and keeps the peace in the household. These are admirable traits that men can respect in a woman. Being the “pretty girl” on social media isn’t enough to get yourself married, it’s an over saturated market and the men are already over it. It has now become a competition between women.


Real Christian men no longer care what pictures or videos you’re posting, and they likely never did. Women do this to boost their own self esteem because many of them don’t feel like they’re “enough” and need affirmation from others on how they look or they might feel ugly and get depressed. This may be blunt, but it’s real life.


Mothers and grandmothers who have done well in this area deserve the honor due to them for setting excellent examples for the younger generation to follow. Whether you decide to take note and follow suit is entirely up to you. It could be the difference between you being single and alone forever or being the next generation of a mother and grandmother yourself.

Finally meet and marry the man God has for you. Marriage preparation and Godly relationship advice for Christian women. Order the book here: Irresistible: The Ultimate Guide to Marriage Preparation.

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