Is your mouth keeping you single? If you have the kind of mouth I’m talking about, you’re too loud to hear or listen to anyone that could be trying to talk to you about it, let alone anything else they have to say. Oftentimes, women with a loud mouth can be quite argumentative in conversations.
If you think you’re not loud in public or in general, you know that your mouth can get you into trouble if you talk very loudly or belligerently to those closest to you, these are the only people that will deal with your mouth and not leave you.
If you’re able to trick men into thinking you’re more of a quiet and meek spirited woman in public, just give it time until he does something you dislike or even worse, he marries you and discovers this trait about you and then finds his way out of the marriage as soon as possible.
Don’t assume just because a man is a Christian, he will never leave you. That’s the biblical preference of course, but situations and circumstances can change people’s mind unexpectedly no matter what they believe going into a marriage if they realize their situation has become unbearable.
No matter how great you are in every other area, your wardrobe, purity, spirituality, attractiveness, etc. Your mouth matters and it can literally make or break a relationship before it even gets started and it can even cause a marriage to end up in a divorce.
Most men don’t prefer loud women. Why? First of all, they don’t listen. They are often too ready to voice their own opinions which can be annoying, overbearing, and masculine to a man. Men like to be heard, give solutions to solve problems and a loud woman will not allow this to happen so it can be very frustrating and disrespectful to a man.
Disrespect is one thing a man will not tolerate from a woman. Men would rather the woman not love them, than disrespect them. Ask any man you know to choose love or respect and then you’ll see how important it is.
If you’re naturally a loud woman, how can you fix this? Every human being has the physical ability to raise or lower their voice in any given situation. You will have to consistently practice speaking and conversing at a lower octave that is more feminine and with a respectful tone of voice. The more you make this a consistent practice with everyone you talk to, no matter who it is and no matter what situation arises, you can gain control over your own mouth.
Many women who can be overbearingly loud are run by their emotions instead of logic. They allow situations and circumstances to control their behavior and they are very reactive instead of proactive. They don’t consider the repercussions to their actions and oftentimes they don’t really care who their mouth hurts by controlling what comes out of it and how it will be received by others. This is not the trait of a wise woman.
If this is how you’re acting now as a single woman when a situation presents itself, guaranteed you will act even worse after being married. Marriage can light a fire in you in ways you wouldn’t believe and can get you more angry than you’ve ever been before.
An untamed mouth like this is a setup for a disaster in a marriage, and I don’t use that term lightly. A woman is not physically aggressive like a man, she’s more crafty and cunning so the weapon she uses against a man is her mouth and he will react accordingly. His reaction will likely not be positive.
Do you think God just tells women to respect their husbands, submit to him in everything, have a gentle, meek and quiet spirit for no reason?
God knows he created men to be twice as strong as women and He gave women guidelines to live by when it comes to dealing with men for so many reasons. It’s in our best interest to follow God’s prescription and not just have head knowledge about it, but actually do what the scriptures are saying.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”
-Matthew 5:9
Finally meet and marry the man God has for you. Marriage preparation and Godly relationship advice for Christian women. Order the book here: Irresistible: The Ultimate Guide to Marriage Preparation.
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