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Drama Queen

Updated: Jun 9, 2023

Do you attract or gravitate to drama? What do your conversations sound like to friends, family or anyone who will listen?

Do you create, feed into or contribute to gossip and meddling into other people’s business and then talk about it to others? Or do you create drama based on your own business and pull other people into it just so you can talk about it?

STOP. Men don’t like drama. Your husband is not going to be your new best girlfriend that’s going to want to listen to you talk about trivial things like this. Being this way all the time can actually contribute to arguments in a marriage when you wonder why your husband won’t let you dump your drama on him all the time.

If you’re not a drama queen but have friends that are, you’ll find out they will cause you to bring their drama into your marriage if you continue to have a relationship with them that facilitates this. When you get off the phone with your girlfriend, you’ll be inclined to tell your husband all her drama. This can generate drama in your marriage that was never there to begin with. You don’t want this, and even your closest buddies can create this in your life after you’re married.

It’s easy to choose your friends loosely when you’re single, but when you’re married you’ll learn you have to choose your friends much more wisely for so many reasons.

You might be thinking, “How can my friend’s drama bring drama into my marriage?” Let me count the ways. Drama is usually associated with strife, gossip, unhappiness, envy, boredom, lack of purpose, discontentment, personal gain, manipulation, stress, etc. Watch any dramatic soap opera or movie and you’ll understand even further. You can even do a deep dive into scriptures on these topics I listed and find out how evil it really is.

If you or your friends are bringing drama into your life, something else is wrong. Oftentimes it’s not what the person is actually talking about, but the rabbit hole goes deeper than what you’re seeing and hearing on the surface whether the person realizes it or not. You need to find the root cause as to why you attract, gravitate to or create drama in your life when there is none. Is your life not interesting enough? Do you wish you were living someone else’s life? You really need to ask yourself questions like this to get to the root cause of this.

Women in particular tend to gravitate to drama much more than men. Who are all these soap operas and dramatic ‘chick flicks’ geared towards? Women. Women like to talk about people, men like to talk about things. Listen to men and women talk long enough and you’ll see that this is true.

Your future husband is a man, he has an interest in talking about things, ideas, work, etc. not people. You can irritate him very quickly if you’re a drama queen and drama is all you want to talk about, this can lead to many arguments. You might be in for a shock after you get married, but I’ll say it again, your husband is not your new girlfriend. Men don’t act like women and they don’t talk like women. It’s miraculous how polar opposite men and women are, but all of our differences complement each other so well, you’ll see how we really do need each other and fit together like a puzzle. It’s confounding and beautiful all at the same time.

To all the drama queens out there, learn how to tone it down to where you completely stop drama from occurring in your life. A famous quote from my mother, “Don’t let a little thing do a big thing to you.” She’s so right, but every time she said it, it would irritate me! But now, I try to remember this wisdom because it will save all of us a lot of stress and drama in our lives.

A few tips to living a drama free life. Think about it before you talk about it. Is it really worth getting yourself upset all over again by talking about what happened? It’s like picking at a scab that’s trying to heal and you start bleeding all over again! That’s a problem a lot of us women have, we tell as many people as we can to get their opinion and persuade them so they’ll get on our side in a situation. Stop thinking about it, stop talking about it. Done.

If someone brings drama or gossip about something or someone to you, it’s easy to get roped in but you can either change the subject or tell the person, hey, let’s pray for this person or situation right now and start praying before the other person can even get a word in. Done. I’m sure that’s the last time your friend will bring drama or gossip to your doorstep if you won’t even participate!

You know when drama comes to your mind or your doorstep, you can be more aware of it and stop it in its tracks. Don’t allow it to consume you and turn you into a drama queen because having peace in your home and future marriage is priceless, so start living a drama free life now and you can thank me later! ;)

Finally, meet and marry your husband God's way. Marriage preparation and Godly relationship advice for Christian women. Order the book here: Irresistible: The Ultimate Guide to Marriage Preparation.

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