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A Good Attitude

Updated: Jun 9, 2023

How do you act when things don’t go your way? Do you get angry, pout, yell, get revenge, sulk in a corner or try to manipulate people so things go your way?

The type of behavior you exhibit when things don’t go your way is very telling when it comes to how you’ll act in a romantic relationship and in your future marriage. From the smallest to the largest thing that could occur in your life, your attitude and how you handle it shows your true character. Think about how you change and treat people if they don’t do what you want them to do, when you want them to do it. You may not vocalize or show your displeasure to them, but inside you’re seething.

Many women pull out the childish trait and give people the silent treatment in an attempt to punish them instead of addressing and discussing the issue right away like a mature adult. When you’re single, it’s much easier to give people the silent treatment without them knowing it because you just won’t contact them until you feel better about the situation or they do what you want them to do.

This is a form of manipulation, deception and lying. Before you look up any scriptures on these topics, you already know this is evil. Evil comes in many forms and a lot of it can come from unchecked emotions, how you handle them and react to circumstances.

Your ability to handle conflict in a mature, respectful and rational manner while maintaining a good attitude shows signs of spiritual and emotional maturity.

The way you acted as a child when things didn’t go your way cannot be the same way you act as an adult when things don’t go your way. 1 Corinthians 13:11 says, “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” In other words, grow up.

How well do you wait? Right now, you’re waiting. You’re waiting for your future husband to arrive. How is your attitude during this season? Do you get annoyed or jealous when you see other thriving couples because you want what they have? Do you have envy or start feeling sorry for yourself because you don’t have a man right now? Or do you allow them to give you hope that this thing is still possible for you?

Do you have the, “Always a bridesmaid, but never a bride” syndrome? Externally you act happy for your friends, but inside you really want what they have. I’m not saying it’s wrong to want to be married and have a nice wedding too, that’s normal. But, I’m talking about coveting and wishing it was you instead of them, among other things. Does this sound familiar?

We are human and we have a wide range of emotions that dictate our attitude. The key is to get those emotions in check because if you don’t you’ll end up with a bad attitude that affects everything and everyone around you. I could almost guarantee that having a bad attitude like this would delay the arrival of your future husband. If you’re ungrateful and you don’t have a good attitude now, why would you be any different when your future husband arrives? You’ll find something about him to complain and have a bad attitude about at some point, guaranteed.

A man would choose a less attractive woman with a good attitude to marry than a more attractive woman with a bad attitude. Why? A good attitude makes you even more attractive. A bad attitude makes you look ugly even if you’re pretty and it’s a turn off to where no man wants to be around you. Think about it. Nobody wants to be around negative people with bad attitudes. It’s a pleasure to be around people with good, positive, happy attitudes that are a fountain to your life and not a drain.

If you want a happy future marriage, start now with correcting your attitude. I’m not talking about your happy go lucky attitude that thinks, “I have Jesus, I listen to worship music and it makes me feel happy,” persona. I’m talking about the part of you that rears its ugly head when you want something but you don’t get it, however severe or minor it may be and how you act and treat other people as a result of it. If you’ve never had anyone rub you the wrong way like this, wait. That’s when you have to practice controlling your emotions and maintaining a good attitude. Whatever you practice, you get good at.

Finally, meet and marry your husband God's way. Marriage preparation and Godly relationship advice for Christian women. Order the book here: Irresistible: The Ultimate Guide to Marriage Preparation.

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