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Living Like the World

Updated: Mar 19, 2023

How can a Christian live like the world if they’re not of this world? Simple. They would duplicate what they see the world doing, have no moral standards in place for their lives, allow pop culture agendas to dictate their style, attitude, beliefs and behaviors.

They would ingest more of the world than God in any given week, therefore, externally they would look and act more like the world than children of God. The end.

Just kidding, there’s more! Let’s dig a little deeper. We all know that God looks at the heart and people look at the outward appearance. But what’s on the inside should eventually manifest on the outside, at least that’s the goal when a transformation takes place.

Let’s start with the most obvious, pop culture thing of today, social media. I’ll be honest, I’ve seen so many professing Christians on social media whose photos look just like that of an unbeliever. Binge drinking alcohol, showing off their butts and breasts on vacation in bikinis, dressing up as “Death” for Halloween, wearing mini skirts dresses and going to nightclubs, posting secular music and song lyrics, you name it. It’s disheartening when I see women doing this because the entire world sees, including Christians who are young, new, impressionable believers that don’t even know how they’re supposed to live yet.

Many so-called ‘Christian’ women are overexposing themselves and misrepresenting what it looks like to be a Christian woman in today’s society. These are very likely the same women that say, ‘all men are dogs,’ ‘there’s no good men left’ and ‘all the good men are taken.’

Let’s be clear, real Christian men want real Christian women, internally and externally.

What you do and wear in public matters and what you put on social media is your permanent digital footprint. No decent, moral, Christian man would be ok with his woman putting all her goods on display for any man in the world to lust over her body and comment how much they like it. I’ve even heard of secular husbands telling their wife to delete social media photos they thought were inappropriate they posted when they were single.

Women are using social media as a way to attract men in hopes someone will find them attractive, send them a DM and eventually they can start a new relationship. This way of being has aspects of low self-esteem with women trying to compete with each other to see who can get the most likes and comments from men and the prettiest, sexiest girl wins. If you truly believed you were pretty, you wouldn’t need the world to tell you so in the comments.

Ladies, you have to understand that an upright, moral, Godly man isn’t attracted to this display of flesh in the way you think he is and he doesn’t even want this type of woman in his life to be his friend, let alone his wife!

If you want to get married, this social media display of flesh is not the way to get it done. You’re repelling Godly men instead of attracting them. You’re attracting secular men and men with a ‘form’ of godliness, they’re the ones sending you DMs. Real Godly men are likely staying off of social media platforms where women peddle their flesh so they’re not tempted to lust over them, now that’s wisdom!

If you want a good, moral, Christian man, you have to present yourself in public and on social media as a good, moral, Christian woman. People are watching you, someone you know may have an interest in you and has already scoped out your social media profile, but some photo they saw of you turned them off. In church you appeared one way, but online you look like a totally different person. Don’t let social media ruin your reputation, be consistent in who you say you are and what you do.

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