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8 Days of Christmas Encouragement

Updated: Mar 19, 2023

The Christmas season can be a time where single women feel more emotional and can get discouraged about not having a significant other. "Another year and I'm still single," may have ran through your mind a few times. The waiting process can be frustrating and sometimes the holidays can make it worse with romantic Christmas movies, gift giving and pressure from family or friends. This article contains 8 days of encouragement that will help you get through another holiday season single with more hope for meeting your future husband, guidance and advice to keep in mind and take with you into the new year.

Day 1: Keep Your Standards High

Marrying the right man is so much better than settling and marrying the wrong man. All too often, while dating, the goal quickly becomes being with someone instead of being with "the one." Keep your standards high and they will lead you to the one that is right for you. Remember the goal is to meet the right man, not just a man. If you lower your standards, you may have sunken to all time low of desperation.

A marriage can make or break you, so be sure that you follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and choose wisely. Every man that has an interest in you doesn't need to be in your life.

Be wise, strong and make smart decisions that will benefit you in the long term, because at the end of the day, you will have to live with your choices and the consequences whether they are good or bad.

Day 2: Keep the Faith

Hot chocolate, kisses and candy canes with the perfect man are what every girl dreams to have one Christmas Day!

If your heart still desires this, don't allow anything or anyone to steal this dream from you. No matter what your age, circumstance or reality is right now, you serve a God who is the author of time and causes the earth to be suspended above nothing, therefore nothing is impossible for God!

You have the ultimate permission to keep dreaming, keep praying, and by all means keep your faith and hope alive because though the vision may tarry, wait for it, because it will surely come to pass (Habakkuk 2:3). If you don't have faith in what God can do for you, what is He going to do with that?

Kingdom principles operate on faith, so if you lose it, don't expect anything from the Lord (James 1:6-7). Ask the Lord to help you with your unbelief if you've lost hope in finding a husband (Mark 9:24). Before you know it, your Christmas will be filled with hot chocolate, kisses and candy canes with the perfect man!

Day 3: Waiting on God?

If this image is what you imagined your "ideal" Christmas Day to look like, you are not alone! You may receive many gifts this year, but you know that the gift of love from the perfect man is priceless!

If this was not the year where you met your future husband, wouldn't it be AMAZING to meet him next year? Wouldn't it also be enlightening to find out the reason you didn't meet him this year was simply because you were going about it the wrong way and didn't even realize it? What if you found out that God was actually waiting on YOU before He released His blessing and that YOUR actions could have caused the delayed arrival of your future husband?

To have a deep insight on what you could be doing wrong as a single woman and correct it to speed up the delivery of your future husband, would be absolutely priceless!

Fortunately for you, this knowledge and wisdom has been wrapped up into one book to help single Christian ladies move on to the next phase in life and finally meet their husbands! Next year just might be your year!

Day 4: How Do You Feel?

A cold, snowy winter day is the time to curl up on your couch, drink hot chocolate, watch those corny Christmas movies, wrap yourself in a blanket and watch the lights dance around on your Christmas tree.

This is also a time where some women can get very emotional about relationships and think,

"Another Christmas and I still haven't met my husband yet, maybe next year."

Although you would never tell anybody that's how you really feel, you continue to smile and enjoy the holiday festivities with your family because after all, you're blessed and don't want to seem ungrateful to God.

But your heart still longs for more, you want companionship, love, someone to confide in, exchange gifts with, encourage you and eventually you would like to start a family, yet there is no man in sight. It's frustrating and can start to feel like it may never happen so you just better get content in your "singlehood." Trust me, I know the feelings all too well. If you want a husband, God wants you to have one too, because He loves you.

God's timing is perfect right? Of course it is, but sometimes women are in their own way and they don't even realize it. So many great Christian women are blocking their own blessings and causing the delay of their future husband unknowingly. God gives you blessings when you're ready to receive them, so if there is no man in sight, there is a reason for that.

Let's expose the reality of what keeps Christian women single for far longer than they desire to be.

Day 5: Idolizing a Husband

What if you don’t get what you were really hoping for this Christmas? Gifts can't really satisfy the desires of the heart, though they are nice to enjoy, they weren't designed to fulfill the deepest needs and desires in your life. God needs to be your deepest desire and consume your heart whether you are single, married or engaged.

Single ladies can sometimes turn the idea of getting a husband into an idol, which can lead to all sorts of complications. It causes women to fall into the trap of being with the wrong men and settling for less than they deserve. It's also a sin against God, He says you shall have no other gods before me.

If you have fallen into this mental trap of idolizing a husband or marriage, repent and ask God to forgive you and give you a proper perspective. When you actually do get married, you will laugh at yourself for ever attempting to put any human being on a pedestal when you see how fallible human beings are in the front row seat of "marriage."

Allow the Holy Spirit to satisfy the desires of your heart and help you put the idea of a husband in its proper place in your mind and heart.

Day 6: The Ultimate Gift

What is the ultimate gift you could receive for Christmas besides salvation in Jesus Christ? WISDOM!!!

Proverbs 1:7 says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction."

Proverbs 4:7 says, "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: And with all thy getting get understanding." Proverbs goes into great detail on how important having wisdom, knowledge and understanding is. If there is an area you lack knowledge in for whatever reason the Bible implores us to not remain ignorant, but to get understanding.

Any tangible gift you receive this Christmas pales in comparison to wisdom. "For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies: And all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her" (Proverbs 3:14-15).

When it comes to the area of relationships with men and understanding why you may still be single and how you can improve yourself to get noticed by your future husband; you should get as much knowledge and wisdom about this topic and your situation as you possibly can.

It is my ultimate pleasure to pass this wisdom on to you this Christmas. May your life be forever changed and may you acquire knowledge and insight to be prepared for your future husband's arrival. God bless you!

Day 7: New Year, New You

What are you looking forward to in the new year?

We all tend to set some type of goals we want to accomplish whether it's working out, starting a business or continuing your education. Oftentimes, we overlook the internal goals of changing ourselves from the inside and becoming our best self; whether it's our personality, attitude, thought process or mentality about various things.

Sometimes it's easier for married people to know what they need to work on internally because their spouse is right there telling them about it! For single women, it can be a bit more difficult to know what you need to change in order to become the best version of yourself and leverage that to attract the right man.

There are a lot of common themes amongst single women who have to wait longer than they planned for their husband to arrive. For example, some women have developed subconscious negative attitudes when it comes to dealing with men, either because they have been hurt badly in the past or they are silently saddened they haven't found their husband after all these years. Settling for men that are less than what you've envisioned for your life can also be a culprit; as long as he's "good enough."

There are so many ways single women can literally transform themselves from the inside and out that will increase their chances of meeting the man God has for them.

If you're interested in transforming yourself next year so you can finally meet your future husband, click here.

Day 8: Family Pressure

Are you tired of hearing this from your family members every Christmas season:

"So, are you seeing anyone new?”

“You know you're not getting any younger?”

“Do you even want to get married?”

“When are you going to get married so you can give me some grandchildren?"

You may be silently thinking, "Enough already!" Some women dread this routine probing from family members, which is why you see women in romantic movies paying for dates to bring home to their family around the holidays. That is a bit extreme, but it magnifies the expectations and embarrassment some women feel from their families around the holiday season if they are still single.

Your single years are a blessing and should be treated as such. This is your time to discover who you are in Christ, what your purpose is and start moving towards that destiny.

You can do whatever you want, whenever you want and you can go and come as you please to and from anywhere in the world!

Discovering your God-given purpose as a single woman is exceedingly important because this is what often attracts your future husband to you. He will be able to see the depth of your character by what you decide to do for Christ and it often puts you on display to be noticed by the right man.

Enjoy your family this holiday season, they love you and have your best interest in mind and just want to see you have everything your heart desires.

Now we'd like to hear from you:

Do you experience pressure from family or friends about getting married around the holidays?

Or, how do you feel this holiday season about being single?

Let us know by leaving a comment below!

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